New Era in Germany: Opening Doors for Skilled Migrants

As Europe's largest economy, Germany has been facing a labor shortage in recent years. This situation has started to negatively affect economic growth and development. In order to solve the problem, the German government has adopted the "Skilled Labor Immigration Promotion Act". This law opens a new chapter in Germany's immigration policy and offers many new opportunities for skilled migrants.

Highlights of the Law:

  • Blue Card The conditions for obtaining a visa have been significantly simplified. Whereas previously, a diploma equivalence certificate and a job offer in Germany were required, the new law now requires a university degree and a job offer. This will allow a wider range of migrants to apply for the Blue Card.
  • Vocational training will also be able to apply for a Blue Card. This is a big advantage for migrants working in professions where there is a high demand for skilled workers in Germany.
  • Family reunification has been made easier. Blue Card holders will be able to bring their spouses and children under 18 to Germany.
  • Job seekers the "Chancenkarte" (Chancenkarte), which allows them to look for a job for up to one year. This card is an important opportunity for migrants looking for work in Germany to earn a living and attend language courses.
  • German language skills the possibility of a gradual transition. Immigrants with a Blue Card must learn German at level B1 within a certain period of time after their arrival in Germany.

Expected Effects of the Law:

  • Skilled workforce closing the deficit and economic revival
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship increase
  • Demographic problems alleviation
  • Germany's international competitiveness increase

Some important information about the law:

  • The Blue Card is a residence permit issued to migrants from third countries (non-EU countries) to work and live in Germany on a long-term basis.
  • To apply for a Blue Card, you need a university degree or vocational training certificate, a job offer and knowledge of the German language (level B1).
  • Migrants with a Blue Card will have equal rights in Germany.
  • Applicants for the "Opportunity Card" must show proof of a higher education degree or vocational training in Germany and sufficient means of subsistence.

Job opportunities in Germany:

There is a labor shortage in many sectors in Germany. The need for qualified personnel is especially high in the IT, engineering, health, and manufacturing sectors.

Immigration processes:

The documents required to apply for a Blue Card or Opportunity Card and the application process can be found on the website of the German Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit).

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