Canada Job Opportunity

In order to obtain a work visa in Canada, the employer company in Canada must apply to the Canadian Employment Agency. The employer must complete the necessary legal processes for the worker to be hired. Subsequently, the worker in Turkey by documenting the legal processes for the worker can not find in Canada can send a job offer. The employer sends the approval document to the worker. The worker can also apply for a work visa to the Canadian embassy in Turkey with this job invitation. The work visa can be obtained for a maximum period of 4 years determined by law. Such job applications cover highly qualified occupational groups. For example, IT, health, engineering, construction. For more detailed information, please contact us you can apply. Canada is a country with two official languages, English and French. Therefore, a certificate of proficiency in any of the two languages is required from job applicants.

Canada Immigration

Canadian Immigration In this system, Canada aims for qualified people to settle in Canada and contribute to the Canadian economy. Application for immigration to Canada consists of 2 stages. The first stage is the Canadian FSW point system. In this system, it is determined whether you are eligible for Canadian immigration and you must score at least 67 points out of 100. After qualifying in the first stage, you can apply to the Comprehensive ranking system (crs) immigration application pool system where detailed information is entered. The second stage is evaluated over 1200 points. Canada evaluates the qualified immigration system by scoring method. Profession, education, foreign language knowledge and age are important criteria in the scoring system. Getting a job offer from a company in Canada has a positive effect on scoring in the Express entry system. People who will apply for immigration should not have a criminal record in any way. In addition, after at least 2 years of academic education in Canada, there is a legal right to apply and receive immigration. For detailed information contact us you can apply.

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