Working and Job Opportunities in Germany

Germany will need around six million skilled workers by 2025. They are looking for ways to solve this need by recruiting migrant workers. In this context, Germany abolished the hierarchy in labour recruitment with a law enacted in March 2020. According to the previous law, when a business hires an employee: 1. German citizen 2. citizen of the European Union 3. Migrant worker hierarchy of labour hierarchy. At this stage, an enterprise can directly employ migrant workers without complying with this hierarchy. This new practice is similar to Germany's acceptance of workers from Turkey in the 1970s with some differences. At that time, language, vocational training and experience were not required. According to this law; those who have a certain language level, vocational training and sufficient experience will be able to work in Germany. To find out whether your career is suitable for working in Germany, contact us you can apply.

How to go to Germany to work?

There are two ways to go to Germany to work: 1. Blue Card: In order to apply for this card, you must have a university degree (not a university degree) in one of the professions required in Germany and a certain amount of work experience. Those who have this card have some advantages such as being able to take their family with them, their family can work and they can naturalise more quickly. For detailed information contact us you can apply. 2. Specialised Personnel: High school or vocational school graduates with at least two years of vocational training and at least two years of work experience are considered skilled workers by Germany. In order for a specialised personnel to start work, it is sufficient for them to speak German at A2 level. He/she must prove that he/she knows German with a language certificate from accredited institutions. This requirement can be extended in accordance with the employer's request regarding the language. a. Apprenticeship training: Apprenticeship is a 2-3 year programme for high school graduates with a certain level of German language skills. It is a programme that includes both education and work. b. Job Search Visa: People who meet certain conditions are given a 6-month job search visa.

Professional Recognition for Working in Germany

The German equivalence of a professional qualification you hold in your home country is called professional recognition. In order to be able to go to Germany, either with a blue card or as a specialised employee, the German equivalent of your occupation must be recognised by the competent authorities in Germany. In order to be able to work in Germany in any line of work, the vocational equivalence certificate for that line of work must be obtained from the competent authorities in Germany. There is a specific procedure for obtaining professional recognition. First of all, you must have a profession that you have actually acquired through education and you must have worked in this profession for at least two years. Both the certificate of your profession and your experience in your profession must be recognised by the German authorities and you must have official records from your home country. We recommend that you seek professional assistance to obtain a professional recognition certificate

Most Wanted Professions in Germany


Nurse and Patient Carer

In Germany, life expectancy is increasing and society is ageing. At the same time, the number of young people starting their professional careers is decreasing. Under these circumstances, the demand for nursing and health care staff is increasing. Hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities are constantly advertising vacancies for nurses and health professionals. Nursing and health personnel are among the most sought-after professions and the ranking in this regard is as follows:- Nurse - Patient carer - Health worker - Child nurse - Geriatrics nurseIn Germany, nurses and health professionals must obtain official approval and authorisation from the competent German authorities in order to practice their profession. In addition- In addition to the diploma equivalence for nursing, your German language level must be B1 or B2; - A medical certificate from a German doctor stating that you are in "good health"; - A "no criminal record" certificate from your home country or a German behaviour certificate (Führungszeugnis).


After nursing, one of the most sought-after professions is doctor. Foreign doctors who have passed the necessary procedures can work in hospitals, clinics or health centres in Germany, as well as in their own practice and work independently. In order to work as a doctor in Germany, you need an official licence "approval". Without this licence approval, you cannot examine and treat patients as a doctor in Germany. The approval is an official licence to practice medicine. In order to obtain this licence, your education and training must be recognised and approved as equivalent to the German education and training programme for doctors.When applying for a doctor's licence and a professional permit to work as a doctor, you must prove your physical and personal fitness and your knowledge of the German language. You must speak German at level C1 in order to start working as a doctor. Recognition of your specialisation acquired outside Germany is only possible if the equivalence of your doctorate is recognised.


In Germany, engineers are needed in almost every field. The following areas are particularly in demand: Automation technology engineer Civil Engineer Architect Electromobility engineer Automotive industry including autonomous driving Renewable energy engineer Environmental Engineer Computer Engineer Energy engineer Industrial Engineer Medical engineer As an engineer, you can work in various fields such as technical production planning and management, quality control, construction, machine and model production. Many qualified engineers can also find work in leadership positions. The German language level required to work as an engineer is relatively flexible. It is sufficient to know German at A2, B1, B2 level. For detailed information contact us you can apply.

IT Specialist

The demand for IT specialists is increasing day by day. In 2020, more than 86,000 job vacancies were recorded in the IT sector. Experienced and qualified IT specialists can therefore find attractive jobs in small and medium-sized companies, in the manufacturing industry or in large international companies. Specialists in the following areas are particularly in demandSoftware development Application support Data science Cyber Security For IT specialists, an acceptable English language level is often sufficient instead of the German language requirement. In Germany, you can work in the IT sector with your English without knowing German. Contact us for detailed information you can apply.


There are numerous jobs for scientists and mathematicians in Germany. In addition to the usual positions in research, teaching and administration, scientists and mathematicians also work in marketing and sales, in the fields of management and law, and in the financial sector. Industries that are mostly looking for scientists and mathematicians are the following: Biotechnology Chemical production facilities Pharmaceutical industry In order to work as a scientist, it is sufficient to know German at level A2.


Skilled craftsmen and craftswomen are not only the main employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the economic engine of Germany. Skilled craftspeople can find a place in private enterprises as well as in the manufacturing industry, trade and the public sector. In addition, skilled workers, specialists and professionals are among the most sought-after people: Construction-related jobs Metal works Electricity/electronics Woodworking Plastic material production Industrial cleaning Food production Health services Clothing, textiles and leather Graphic design Cook, driver, hospitality specialist Hairdresser, Personal care and hygiene expert Real estate expert Insurance, Marketing Technical professions In professions where you can work as a craftsman without a university degree, it is sufficient to know German at A2 level. Contact us for detailed information you can apply.

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